Goxhill County School - Goxhill Gander

Summer 2024
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Written by A J Regan 1974
Goxhill County School

Lindsey CC Education Committee
Goxhill County School
(Formerly Goxhill Wesleyan Day School)
Barrow-on-Humber. Lincolnshire.

Headmaster AJ Regan DipEd M.Ed
31st March 1974

When this school was erected by the Goxhill Methodists in 1855 its total cost was £866, towards which grants of £395 were received (and no doubt they raised the rest themselves).

The school as seen from the road has much the same appearance as at that time and though some alterations and improvements have taken place since then the main accommodation would still be easily recognised by the pupils of that time could they see it now.

Some important changes in its status can be noted, but unfortunately we have no Log Book existing before 1892 (If anyone ever finds it, we will be very grateful).A very major change was when Lindsey County Council, then a brand new local authority, became largely responsible for the upkeep of the school on March 26th 1903. It was also at this time that school pence ceased to be collected from the children.In July 1937 the Methodist Church handed over the school to Lindsey Co Council and from that date it has been wholly a Council School (though the buildings still belong to the Methodist Church).

When the children return to school on Monday morning, April 1st 1974 yet another change will have taken place, for the school will then be administered by the Education Committee of another quite new authority, the Humberside County Council.So, a connection of some 71 years (and a few days) with Lindsey County Council will come to an end. This will not be without some regret in losing contact with colleagues we have long known who are now ‘South of the Border’, but we shall hope and work to build up equally good relationships with our new colleagues on both sides of the river. From the children’s and parents’ point of view there is unlikely to be any noticeable effect from this because after all it will take the new Authority a little time to work itself in, but in due course it may be interesting to see what will develop from this transfer of authority.

Yours sincerely,
AJ Regan.

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